Changing Pivot Label Colours

Can anyone please advise how I change the colour of pivot line labels? I am familiar with how to access the code of the pivot lines and have changed the colours of the lines themselves but have been unable to change the colour of the labels from the default grey (that does not show up very well against the grey background I use to reduce eye strain) to white.

Do I have to ammend the following string:

ObjectCreate("P label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0], P);
ObjectSetText("P label", "Pivot " +DoubleToStr(P,4), 8, "Arial", EMPTY);

... and can I also change the thickness of the line?

Ideal would be a file that allows the customisation of all pivot properties. I have tried one from this web site but it gave me very odd pivot values.

Thanks in anticipation,

i will give u reply sooon