Housekeeping instructions and terminal settings are collected in the "Tools" menu.

In this menu, one can:
- New Order call the window managing orders. One can place market or pending orders from this window. More details about working with orders can be found in the corresponding section.
The "Order" window can also be called by context menu commands of the "Market Watch" and "Terminal Trading" windows, by mouse double-click on the symbol in the "Market Watch" window, by F9 button or by pressing of the
button of the "Standard" toolbar;
- History Center call the window managing history data. Quotes used for building of charts can be edited in History Center.
This window can also be called by pressing of F2 button;
- Global Variables call the window containing the list of the terminal global variables. Global are variables common for all expert advisors, custom indicators, and scripts. More details about global variables can be found in the corresponding section.
The Global Variables window can also be called by F3 button;
- MetaQuotes Language Editor open MetaEditor of expert advisors. Using the MetaEditor, one can create and edit experts, custom indicators, and scripts. More details on working with MetaEditor are given in the section of the same name.
The MetaEditor can also be called by F4 button;
- Options call the client terminal setting window. One can set up parameters for connection, trades, charts, experts, and others, in this window. More details can be found in the "Client Terminal Settings" section.
The Options window can also be called by accelerating keys of Ctrl+O.