Where can you get a trading robot or an indicator?

Thousands of applications are available for all traders

Any trader can use trading robots and indicators in their day-to-day activity. These are special applications for trading platforms, and their use does not require any specific knowledge or programming skills. You can download a free application for MetaTrader 4 from Code Base, buy or rent one from the Market or order it via the Freelance service. Finally, if you are not always looking for a simple solutions, you can develop a custom robot or indicator on MQL4 language by yourself.

Code Base

This is a free source code library of robots and indicators which is built directly into MetaTrader 4. There you can select from 2 000 indicators or 950 trading robots. The library also contains 300+ scripts which are small applications allowing to automate one-time analytical trading functions. Download an application and use it in your trading activity immediately!

You`ll find thousands of trading robots and Indicators MetaTrader 4 Code Base, that can be downloaded for free and be launched in trading

Watch how to download a free trading robot from the Library

Download MetaTrader 4 and choose a free application in the Code Base library


The world's largest store of Forex trading applications is already built into your MetaTrader 4. Thousands of free and paid indicators and Expert Advisors from well-known and novice developers can be downloaded in a few clicks and used in trading activity. You even do not have to leave your platform for that.

You may buy trading robots and indicators in Market without leaving the MetaTrader 4

Each Market application is provided with a detailed description, screenshots and a free demo version that can be tested in the Strategy Tester. Thus, you are able to assess a product and make an informed decision before buying it.

MetaTrader Market features:

  • the widest selection of trading applications in the world
  • 1 700+ trading robots and 2 100+ technical indicators divided into categories by their type and popularity among users
  • demo versions of all programs that can be tested in MetaTrader 4 via the special strategy tester
  • secure purchases via protected connection
  • the wide range of payment methods — bank cards and popular payment systems

MetaTrader Market is the world's largest application store in the trading industry! Visit the Market right now, buy a trading robot or an indicator and trade better!

Download MetaTrader 4 and choose a Market application


This service is for those who are not able to find a suitable application in the Code Base or Market. Here you can order a custom application from experienced developers at a reasonable price and receive exactly the product you need. No compromises are tolerated!

With Freelance Service any trader may order a robot or indicator and hundreds of programmers will develop it

Freelance is completely secure. All necessary actions (from placing an order to payments) are performed within the service. Order applications with no hassle!

Buy products in the Market, download them from Code Base or order a customized application via Freelance. All services offered are convenient, secure and simple!

Download MetaTrader 4 and order a robot via Freelance